Kyutech has three campuses in Tobata, Izuka and Wakamatsu (in the founded order),
and they are autonomous.
I am a faculty member in Wakamatsu campus. Wakamatsu campus has the one graduate school, that is, Life Science and Systems Engineering (LSSE). LSSE does not have its own undergraduate course, so we need to spend energy to get excellent graduate students. This situation is very similar to NAIST where I cam from.
LSSE conducted a seminar for its entrance examination and labs two days ago in Izuka and in Tobata today.
LSSE conducts four exams per a year. I heard popular labs often stop accepting applications once all the places are taken. So if you have some labs in your mind, do not hesitate to contact the faculty members now!
戸畑での説明会の様子(In Tobata campus)