柴田教授のひびきの放送局 (Prof. Shibata's Blog)

九州工業大学大学院生命体工学研究科の柴田智広教授の公式ブログです (Official Blog of Prof. Shibata)

TOYOTA自動車の記念すべき第1回ハッカソンに参加しました! We participated the memorial first Hakerthon of TOYOTA!


Shibata lab and Ohtake lab cooperatively participated the memorial first Hackerthon of TOYOTA using HSR (Human Support Robot) . Mr. Kumeta, a bacheler student of Ohtake lab fully participated this event, and his team won the first prize among three teams!





The demo of his team was bringing a shirt and assisting its clothing, which is nice in a sense that Shibata lab has been working on clothing asssitance with a dual arm robot.

[Research] Clothing and Unclothing Assistance by Baxter - YouTube



トヨタ自動車様が開発中のロボット HSR (Human Support Robot) を用いたハッカソンを支援させて頂きました |